Musings from astrophysics to ecology


  • An academic research Xmas story

    An academic research Xmas story

    It has been 9 months since I initiated a transition from astrophysics to ecology research, and since it is the end of the year, time for a first assessment in the form of a twisty Xmas tale that ends, well…I’ll let you readers be the judge. Nine months is a short period of time to… Continue reading

  • Bridges


    Let’s talk today about how I have been approaching finding a first research subject in ecology after my initial conversations. When it comes to entering a research field, it works a bit differently when you start as an already experienced researcher, compared to a new undergrad or PhD student. Your new colleagues just are not… Continue reading

  • Overcoming doubts and getting started

    Overcoming doubts and getting started

    Changing research topics and, even more, completely changing fields, is no easy feat, even for a seasoned butterfly researcher, and it takes time to overcome one’s own doubts and limitations. I see ecology first and foremost as a life science, and I haven’t done any biology since high-school – that is, I haven’t done any… Continue reading

  • Dogs and butterflies

    Dogs and butterflies

    Scientists usually specialize in a field, and on a particular subject, quite early in their career (usually, during their PhD). Due to the ever increasing complexity, technicity, and accumulation of knowledge and publications in our fields, we also often develop a very narrow and highly technical expertise as our career progresses. This is true in… Continue reading

  • Why research

    Why research

    A few years ago, while I was already thinking about a career change in the direction of environmentally-oriented jobs, I regularly asked myself: should I leave research too? After all, there are many ways in life to a) feel more part of nature b) be useful in an ecological or environmental context. Fundamental research is… Continue reading

  • Moulis, Ariège

    Moulis, Ariège

    Those following my personal account on Mastodon (if not, you can do so by clicking the elephant icon at the top left of your screen) have already been teased earlier this week that I have found a new, exciting workplace to get into ecological research: the Station d’Ecology Theorique et Experimentale (SETE) in Moulis, Ariège.… Continue reading

  • From scratch – the origins of a transition

    From scratch – the origins of a transition

    Greetings everyone ! My name is François Rincon, I am a theoretical physicist working in France at CNRS. I have spent the first 20 years of my career doing research on nonlinear astrophysical fluid, plasma and magnetic-field dynamics in astrophysical systems spanning many scales, ranging from the Sun, to protoplanetary accretion disks, to clusters of… Continue reading



March 2025